Green card
Green Card is an international certificate of MTPL insurance. The form itself represents the evidence of contracted MTPL insurance, i.e. the evidence that a vehicle had a valid insurance coverage at the time of its use abroad. It is obtained from the insurer that issued MTPL insurance and matches the period of policy validity.
Green Card System originated from Scandinavian countries in 1920s, which allowed vehicles to cross their borders by recognizing MTPL insurance which is issued in their country of origin. Countries had guaranteed for damages caused in other countries by vehicle insured at their territory. In a certain stage of development of the System, insurance form/card of green color was introduced, hence the widely accepted name Green Card which at the same time represented the unification of MTPL insurance policy form. That System, originating eighty years ago, was a model for development of Green Card System in a modern and highly developed form that exists today.
The purpose of the system known as Green Card System is facilitation of the motor vehicles circulation in international traffic by potentiate the MTPL insurance coverage regarding vehicle’s use in order to satisfy the visited country’s criteria and to provide TP compensation guaranties, all in the line with national law and regulation.
The system works in a way that insurers licensed to write MTPL insurance establish the central organization, the National Bureau of insurance – Green Card Bureau, recognized by the government of the country in which it was established. In our country, National Green Card Bureau is legally part of Association of Serbian Insurers. Members of Bureau, in accordance with the Geneva Recommendation, are all insurers who are writing compulsory MTPL insurance in the given country. Work of National Bureau’s is coordinated by the Council of Bureau, central organization founded in 1951, with headquarters in London, which is later relocated in Brussels.
The National Bureau also guarantees to it’s Government that foreign insurance companies will follow domestic law and fulfil their dues regarding traffic accidents caused by their insureds as well as to the Bureau of the visited (foreign) country that the domestic insurance companies are duly fulfilling their obligations to the TPL in foreign countries, concerning damage caused abroad by their insureds in the visited country territory. Function of Guarantor is most important function of the National Bureau of a given country and, as such, it is the backbone of the Green Card System.
Besides a number of functions performed in accordance with the system regulation (Internal Regulations), the laws of the domicile country and international conventions, the National Bureau may appear as a service for claim handling and payment of compensation in cases of accidents: a) caused by vehicles with foreign license plates in the local territory and b) between the foreign license plates vehicles in the local territory (Handling Bureau). The Bureau might appear as service itself or it might have authorized any of its members to act on its behalf.
In June 2011, after many years of preparation and work on establishing certain standards, a Multilateral Guarantee Agreement was signed and Serbia became a member of the system based on the license plates – Deemed Insurance Cover System. By signing this agreement with thirty two countries at that time (EU countries, Switzerland (Lichtenstein), Andorra, Iceland and Norway), from January 1 2012, the owners of motor vehicles in Serbia are enabled to travel to aforementioned countries without obligation to have a green card, i.e. official authorities at the borders of the European Economic Area are no longer required to seek proof of MTPL insurance in the form of Green Card for vehicles with Serbian license plates (registration labels). With this, vehicles from Serbia are in equal position as those of the EU and other aforementioned countries, and that can be considered as achievement of the highest standards in Europe as far as the use of motor vehicles is concerned.
The Green Card is mandatory when traveling abroad with motor vehicles, namely to one of the eight countries of Green Card System: Ukraine, Moldavia, Turkey, North Macedonia, Albania, Tunisia, Morocco and Azerbaijan. Given that Russia, Belarus and Iran are currently under suspension, visiting those countries will require contracting of frontier insurance.
National Green Card Bureau Serbia at the Association of Serbian Insurers strives to represent our country in the international system with its experience and dedication when it comes to this rather specific matter-MTPL insurance. We are available for all the questions, professional support and assistance to our esteemed fellow citizens, but also to foreigners visiting our country. We think that, in situations when a loss event occurs, providing timely advice, taking over the processing of claims, or referring to the appropriate address by our professional and friendly staff, can significantly mitigate the effects of the incident and reinforce the belief of the participants that in an accident, regardless of the territory in which they are located, they are not alone.
Green Card system exists to protect the damaged party and its principles are based on the best values of the modern world.
In order to enable claimants to exercise their rights in a prompter and complete manner, and in order to make them able, in case of road accident occurring on the territory of the Republic of Serbia caused by motor vehicle with foreign registration, to check to which insurance company they may report damage, a service is activated on the official web site of the Association of Serbian Insurers. In the “Services” section it is possible to perform check for the selected date of accident occurrence and for the selected foreign insurance company with which the vehicle causing the accident is insured. Citizens may obtain information on whether there is an appointed domestic correspondent, i.e. insurance company authorized to receive and process claims and pay damages on behalf and for the liable foreign company.
When there is no appointed correspondent, or in case of service failure, or when damaged person decides to exercise the rights by using other legal methods, as well as when there is a need for additional information or professional assistance, interested persons are welcome to address the Association of Serbian Insurers, Green Card.